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Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Testimonials

Throughout my career and through a career change, I have had the opportunity to work with Salt Depot. I have had a relationship with the owner for as long as I can remember and have been a supporter of their products since Salt Depot originated.   I rep many products  and one thing I always know is that Salt Depot will take care of us and do whatever necessary. They have my back and that allows me to better provide for my customers.

– Henry Ortega, Wilbur Ellis

In 2010, I was considering taking out a large business loan to purchase the necessary equipment to blend and bag my own snow & ice melt line.  Because of the proximity of the Great Salt Lake, there are multiple snow & ice melt bagging operations in the Salt Lake Valley.  Unfortunately, after years in the industry and interviewing owners and testing products, I struggled to find one I respected or trusted to make my product. When I met Darrin, I was immediately impressed that we had likeminded goals which were to provide quality products supported by straightforward, factual chemical data and testing.  Our business dealings were sealed and I am proud to be associated with Salt Depot. 

– Nancy Ayers

Ultraviolet Inc

I have personally worked with Salt Depot for almost a decade from both a management and sales role. Our storefront is a couple miles from their manufacturing facility. One thing that has been important to me and to our company is their support over the years. Not only in servicing our account and getting us product but also events that support SiteOne. I think they do their best to make sure we are sincerely taken care of and I appreciate the personal approach from the Owner himself, management, and all divisions of Salt Depot. Communication, support, honesty and quality of products and staff make it easy to continue to work with them year after year.

-Brett Olsen


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